Alpha is a low-key, no-pressure way to explore life, faith, and meaning. Each Alpha consists of a short talk about the Christian faith and discussion in groups of 8-12 people. During the discussion time, guests are encouraged to share their honest thoughts on the topic and on how they experience and understand the world.

The idea is to have open discussion that enables people from various backgrounds to share and explore their ideas together. No question or comment is out of bounds! Guests are free to discuss as much or as little as they wish.

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Who Is Alpha For?

Alpha is for everyone. We don’t assume any background knowledge of or belief in Christianity, and everyone is welcome. Alpha is especially for people who would not call themselves Christians and for people who still have big questions about life and faith.

How Long Is Alpha?

Alpha meets once per week for 9 weeks, plus an optional Alpha Weekend Away.

Try it once and see what you think - there’s no obligation to come each week. Getting to know others and making new friends is the best part of Alpha, though!

When Does Alpha Happen?

Alpha at MDPC runs one night per week for 9-week sessions, spread throughout the year. Check the RSVP link at the top of the page for details on the next Alpha.

Have Questions?

Send an email to  for more about Alpha or check out the first video to get a taste of Alpha.