Each week in our Sunday services, liturgists lead the people in a congregational Prayer of Confession. This is a time of corporate confession, where we confess our sins before God and ask for His forgiveness. The prayers are (almost always) written by MDPC staff.
February 2025
Sun, February 9
Heavenly Father, You know us so well. In fact, You know the very depths of our hearts, even better than we know ourselves. You perceive even those times when we might act in a posture of judgment and condemnation. Forgive us when we fail to remember that all human beings are fearfully and wonderfully made. Help us to be gracious and longsuffering with our friends, family, and even our enemies. You alone have washed away our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. Remind us that You extend to all people an offer of merciful righteousness and grace. May we be grateful for Your love. Amen.
Sun, February 2
Holy and merciful God, in Your presence we confess our sinfulness, our shortcomings, and our offenses against You. You alone know how often we have sinned in wandering from Your ways, in wasting Your gifts, in forgetting Your love. Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we are ashamed and sorry for all we have done to displease You. Forgive our sins and help us to live in Your light and walk in Your ways, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
January 2025
Sun, January 26
Why, O Lord, do we remain confused about who we are? You have been clear, but we have not attentively listened. We are quick to read the next book or listen to the next podcast, but we neglect searching the Bible. If we turned to You, we would know that we are Your chosen people, we no longer walk in darkness, we have received mercy, and we are called to the greatest purpose. Forgive us, Lord, for not turning to You in search of who we are. Let us enjoy the satisfaction of finding our identity and purpose in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sun, January 19
Holy Father, We come to You this morning in need of inspiration. We admit that we can get overwhelmed with our earthly circumstances. We confess that we look at our current situations without realizing all that is available on our behalf. Please forgive us for our spiritual blindness. Open our eyes that You might reveal to us how You are already caring for us and protecting us. Strengthen our faith so that we will be fully present to Your loving care for us. We pray this humbly in Christ’s name. Amen.
Sun, January 12
Almighty God: We know that in Your holy presence, all hearts are open, and all desires are known, and from you nothing is hidden. So today we acknowledge our sin to You. We have actively rebelled against Your will for us. We have passively rejected Your desire for us. We are more concerned with the viewpoints of others than with worshiping, serving, and obeying You. Forgive us and renew our hearts. Cleanse our thoughts, words, and actions, that we may devoutly love You and worthily magnify Your name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, January 5
Great God our Father, You have given us Jesus, the Light of the world. But we often prefer darkness. We cling to sins that hide Your brightness. We are frightened disciples, slow to speak Your good news, We have not lived Your new life. Forgive and renew us, O Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit, so that we may preach Your Word to the nations, and proclaim Your glory in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Light forever. Amen.
2024 Prayers
Sun, December 29
Gracious God, We confess that, like King Herod, we have sought control and power, ignoring the hurts of the innocent. Like the religious leaders, we have been quick to speak Your truth but slow to follow it. Like the Magi, we have not always offered You our best worship. Forgive us, Lord; heal our brokenness and guide us in the ways of justice, mercy, and humility. Help us to live as Your people, following the light of Christ, who calls us to love and serve all. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.
Sun, December 22
Lord God, Your goodness, beauty, and power are too much for us to fully comprehend. Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your thoughts higher than our thoughts. But in our pride and self-importance, we attempt to impose our ways and thoughts on You. We try to force Your nature into a box, to reshape You into our broken image. Forgive us for thinking too highly of ourselves and too little of You. Thank You for the immeasurable grace and mercy displayed in Christ’s coming to us, for giving us a way to truly know the Father through the Son. By Your Spirit, root out our pride and shape us into Jesus’ likeness. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Sun, December 15
Precious Lord, We frequently live our lives with such small mindsets. We confess that we walk in dark places, trapped deep in our interior worlds of fear, failings and distractions. Meanwhile, we miss the coming King, poised to bring hope to the earth. Forgive us for being stuck in our comfortable and dormant routines. Bring us into a life full of Your presence. Illuminate our vision, so that we can once again behold our greatest love. We wait in eager anticipation for Jesus, the assurance of our salvation. Glory to God in the highest! Amen.
Sun, December 8
Dear God, We come to You acknowledging that we are lost and broken without You. We are sorry for our disobedience and for our hearts that are prone to wander away from Your truth. Please forgive us. Help us recognize Your joy and presence in our daily lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sun, December 1
Almighty God, in Jesus Christ You came among us as light shining in the darkness. We confess we have not welcomed Your light or trusted Your good news to be good. We have closed our eyes to Your presence. We have expected little and hoped for even less. Forgive our doubt and renew our faith, so we may receive the fullness of Your grace, live in the truth of Jesus Christ our Lord, and experience the power of the Holy Spirit. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.
November 2024
Sun, November 24
Gracious God, You know how I wrestle between trusting You versus taking control. You hear how I seek Your guidance, but struggle to release my plans. You grieve as I cling to the powerlessness of trying to control outcomes and other people. You ache as You see how my fear keeps me from noticing Your goodness. On the cross, You extended Your arms, in merciful sacrifice for me, to forgive my self-powered, self-sufficient striving. You invite me to rest as I surrender myself You. You offer to replace my fears with a peaceful trust in You. By Your Holy Spirit, all things are possible, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, November 17
Lord God, You are the same yesterday, today, and always. You have revealed Your unchanging character through Scripture and through Jesus. Yet, we act as an ungrounded people, as a ship without mooring, dangerously tossed in the sea. We are affected more by our circumstances and the news than we are grounded in Your promises and Your character. We consume vast quantities of media, but willfully neglect meditating on Your Word. Lord, we confess to be faithless followers, and we are sorry. Please forgive us. Grow in us a love for Your Word and a desire to be formed in Your presence. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Sun, November 10
Almighty God, You have raised Your Son Jesus from death to life, and crowned Him Lord of all. We confess that we have failed to bow before Him or acknowledge His rule in our lives. Instead, we have followed the ways of the world and failed to give Him the glory He deserves. Hear our confession, forgive us, and cleanse our hearts to worship You. Establish us as Your faithful people, who move and act in obedience and love, and in imitation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen
Sun, November 3
Heavenly Father, You are a loving God, committed to consoling us in all of our afflictions. But despite that kind of generous love, we confess that we have not loved You in return with all of our heart, mind, and strength. Also, we have not blessed our neighbors in the manner that we should. We have not cared for one another in a Christlike way. We have failed to forgive as we have been forgiven. Pardon us, Lord, and help us to love You more than anything else and to love others the way You love us. May we faithfully invest in the care and encouragement of others. We pray this in Christ’s name. Amen.
October 2024
Sun, Oct 27
Almighty God and Father, we confess to You, to one another, and to the whole company of heaven, that we have sinned, in thought, word, and deed, through our own fault, and in what we have left undone. We are easily distracted from Your way. We choose to follow our own purposes in our lives. Have mercy on us, O Lord, and forgive us our sins. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, raise us up to serve You in newness of life, to the glory of Your Name. Amen.
Sun, Oct 20
Heavenly Father, You have called us to a great hope and purpose. You have invited us to cling to You in every season. However, we allow distractions to drag us away from Your presence. Instead of turning to You, we indulge our worries, frustrations, and disappointments. Forgive us when we seek shelter in our own comfort and control. Teach us again to trust You, O God, our protector. Bring us out of our distress, O God, our deliverer. Grant us the ability to build our lives on the firm foundation of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sun, Oct 13
Merciful God, You have unlimited knowledge of all events and You know us even better than we know ourselves. Yet we confess that we often fail to trust Your divine wisdom and care. Forgive us for the times that we turn away from You. Remind us that You are the Lord our God, all-powerful, our eternal protector and compassionate guide. Help us to check our resistance to Your generosity and mercy towards us. Grant us, by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, the ability to trust You in a deeper manner. We pray this in Christ’s Holy Name. Amen.
Sun, Oct 6
O Lord, we are a proud people. We think more highly of ourselves than of others. We seek and seize the honor that others deserve. We vie for position and office. Lord, please forgive us and form us to be more like Jesus. May we think more highly of others than of ourselves. May we trust You rather than our own plans. May we use our positions to elevate others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
September 2024
Sun, Sept 29
Dear God, we gather today and admit our need for You and confess that we all fall short of Your glorious standard. We admit, that while living in a broken world, we stumble and lose sight of You. We are sorry for sinning against You and one another. Please forgive us. Help us trust in You, especially when we do not have control over what goes on around us. Thank You for Your unconditional love, mercy, and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sun, Sept 22
God our Father, To You we bring our confession: We have turned from the way of Jesus. We have quenched the Spirit's power. We have not shared the Good News in word or deed. Our pride blinds and our anger burns, and we have failed to live Your new life. Forgive our sin, O God, and free us from our disobedience. Strengthen us in Your grace and love, that we may serve You as faithful disciples and live in Your joy. Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Sun, Sept 15
Gracious God, we confess that our fears and doubts can override our hope and faith. When we lose sight of Your love, have mercy upon us, and grant us Your forgiveness through Christ our Lord, Who intercedes for us even today. Restore us and renew in us the joy of Your salvation, even as You establish our feet in the path of faith. These things we pray in the name of Jesus, our Risen Savior, Who promises fullness of life here and resurrection for the life to come, Amen.
Sun, Sept 8
Lord God, Master of the universe, You are good, wise, and just. In Christ, You have shared Your authority with Your people, and You have invited us to rule alongside You, for the benefit of the whole world. But we do not rule well. We misuse our authority and abuse our position. We fail to see that all we have is Yours. We hoard our time, energy, and resources. We treat others as means to our own ends. But, Lord God, we have seen our sin, and we are sorry; in Your great mercy forgive us. Transform our hearts to reflect Your goodness, wisdom, and justice. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sun, Sept 1
Gracious God, we come before You with humble hearts, knowing that we have fallen short of Your glory. We confess that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed. We have been quick to judge others while overlooking our own faults. We have been selfish and have failed to reflect the grace and mercy You show us through Jesus. Forgive us for the times we have neglected the needs of others and missed opportunities to act justly and with compassion. Help us to live each day in a manner that reflects the forgiveness we have received and the hope we have in Jesus. In His holy name, we pray. Amen.
August 2024
Sun, Aug 25
Dear Jesus, You have called us together to be the Church, sisters and brothers united by faith, yet we fall into isolation and disunity. You have given all, so that we might love, follow, learn from, and worship God, yet we choose conflicting priorities. You also send us out to speak the Gospel and share our lives in love for one another and our neighbors, yet we prefer our own interests. Forgive us, Lord Jesus, and remind us again of Your design for the Church, Your body. Embolden us by The Holy Spirit to live with You as our head, Amen.
Sun, Aug 18
Most gracious and merciful God, we confess to You that time after time, we have offered sincere sounding prayers, but our hearts have been closed to Your grace. We have lifted our hands to You in praise, but our feet have still walked in the way of sin. We have heard Your Word and celebrated Your sacraments, but we have refused to see the needs of our neighbor. Forgive our lack of faith and love. Grant us the cleansing that can only come from You. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, Aug 11
Lord, you have given us the gift of Your Holy Scriptures for life, hope and direction. These same precious and trustworthy words point us to the salvation available when we fully trust in Jesus Christ. Forgive us when we neglect to read these scriptures, study them and, most importantly, obey them. Cause us once again to be known as a people of the Word, Your Word. And now may we be prepared and equipped for every good work. We pray this in Christ's holy name. Amen.
Sun, Aug 4
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, hear our prayer. We have failed, God, to love You as we should. We have failed to love others as we love ourselves. We have chosen wrong when we know what is right. We have rejected Your rule and submitted ourselves to lesser kingdoms. Restore us O Lord and teach us Your way. Give us undivided hearts, that we may fear Your name. Then we will praise You, O God, with all that is in us, and glorify Your name forever. Amen.
July 2024
Sun, Jul 28
Almighty God, patient and full of goodness. We confess to You with our whole hearts our neglect and forgetfulness of Your commandments, our wrong doing, thinking, and speaking; the hurts we have done to others, and the good we have left undone. O God, forgive us, for we have sinned against You; and raise us to newness of life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, Jul 21
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in Your will, and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your Name. Amen.
Sun, Jul 14
Most merciful God, we come to You confessing that we have failed to love You as we should. We have failed to act wisely when You are the source of our wisdom; failed to be generous when You have been so gracious to us; failed to forgive others while we presume Your forgiveness to us; failed to praise You in all things and rely on You for our daily bread. Forgive us God, in Your great mercy, and restore us to fellowship with You and with one another. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
Sun, Jul 7
Heavenly Father, you are the most high God. Thank you for Your love and the promise of eternal life through Jesus. Forgive us, Lord, for neglecting to contemplate our mortality and the urgency of seeking salvation. We confess our tendency to prioritize worldly concerns over our eternal destiny. Help us grasp Your love shown through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. Grant us courage to face mortality with faith and empower us to share the hope that, through Jesus, death has been overcome. In His holy name we pray, Amen.
June 2024
Sun, Jun 30
Lord, you have chosen us before the foundation of the world. You have destined us for adoption as Your children through Jesus Christ. Accordingly, our identity as family members in Christ should be obvious to the world. But we confess that sometimes our words and deeds do not match up with our heavenly distinction. Forgive us when we fail, Lord. Thank You for the redemption that we continue to have in Jesus, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of Your grace. In Jesus’ name, we are grateful. Amen.
Sun, Jun 23
God of mercy, you sent Jesus Christ to seek and save the lost. We confess we have strayed from You. We have turned away from Your way. We are misled by pride for we see ourselves pure when we are stained, and great when we are small. We have failed in Your love, neglected Your justice, and ignored Your truth. Have mercy, O God, and forgive our sin. Return us to paths of His righteousness through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Through Christ we pray. Amen.
Sun, Jun 16
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in Your will, and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your Name. Amen.
Sun, Jun 9
O Lord, we have sinned, and we need Your forgiveness. Our desires and our affections are bent and broken. We hunger for that which will never satisfy, and we love that which leads us away from You. Forgive us, Lord, for we are sorry. Form us according to Your nature and make us more like You, that we may glorify You and enjoy You forever. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, Jun 2
Holy God, we are Yours, but we miss Your comfort when we forget this. We act on our own, ignoring Your word and resisting Your will. We speak on our own, even knowing Your wisdom is ours for the asking. We love on our own—weakly and grudgingly—when the Spirit would supply the power and grace we need to love like Jesus. Help us to live like “little Christs” who belong to You, body and soul. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
May 2024
Sun, May 26
Lord, we confess we seek the acceptance of others, rather than the approval of our Father. And You, Lord, are rightfully jealous for our utmost devotion. Forgive us, Father, for being more concerned with scorn and persecution than with being faithful to Your commands. Though our sins are worse than we realize, O Lord, your grace is far greater. Thank You for graciously restoring to us Your gift of righteousness. We pray this in Christ’s Name. Amen.
Sun, May 19
Almighty God, you poured out your Holy Spirit at Pentecost and by Your power the Church formed and grew. We have lost some of the zeal of the early church and have become complacent towards the spiritual and physical needs of the world. We are lukewarm in sharing the Gospel with the nations and our neighbors. Forgive us and help us to follow the example of the early believers by living out our faith boldly. May the experience of Pentecost spur us to excitedly serve You and be led by Your powerful Spirit in every aspect of our lives. Help us to trust Your Spirit to guide us and shape us as we do Your work in the world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sun, May 12
Father, our salvation required a purity of heart that we do not possess. Yet, you persuaded us and enabled us to trust Jesus. You revealed to us our brokenness, our sin, and our need for Jesus that we might surrender to Him. But impurity remains. We give our hearts' attention, focus, and desire away to other things, some small and some grand. Lord, we are sorry. As we celebrate baptisms today, restore to us the joy of our salvation by forgiving our sins and refining our hearts. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Sun, May 5
Father, our salvation required a purity of heart that we do not possess. Yet, you persuaded us and enabled us to trust Jesus. You revealed to us our brokenness, our sin, and our need for Jesus that we might surrender to Him. But impurity remains. We give our hearts' attention, focus, and desire away to other things, some small and some grand. Lord, we are sorry. As we celebrate baptisms today, restore to us the joy of our salvation by forgiving our sins and refining our hearts. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
April 2024
Sun, Apr 28
Gracious God, our sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive us and set us free from a past that we cannot change. Open to us a future in which we can be changed. Grant us grace to grow more and more into Your likeness. Through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Amen.
Sun, Apr 21
God of grace, love, and hope: We confess we have failed to love You with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We ignore Your commands, we stray from Your way. We follow other gods. Have mercy on us, O Lord, and forgive us. Through Your grace, love, and hope, restore and transform us. Help us to serve You faithfully and give honor to Your holy name. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, Apr 14
Heavenly Father, our pride can make it easy for us to self-righteously be separated from others. We delude ourselves, thinking that we are somehow better. We ignore the needs of our brothers and sisters. We label one another unjustly. We even judge the intentions of those we don’t know. Have mercy upon us, Lord. We confess all this wrong behavior as sin against You and we are deeply sorry. Please forgive us and restore us completely by Your mercy in the fullness of Your good grace. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sun, April 7
Oh Lord, You are our Shepherd, but we find it difficult not to want more. Instead of resting in green pastures, we are rest-less. Instead of following Your lead, we stir the waters. And as we walk through the valleys, our hearts are often taken with fear. Forgive us, Lord. In Jesus, You offer a feast of grace, more than enough to satisfy our souls. Through Him, we look to Your goodness and mercy all the days of our lives. For the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells within Your people, Amen.
March 2024
Sun, March 31
Heavenly Father, we praise You for Your grace. Once dead in our sins, You extended Your merciful love to us and we are now made alive together in Christ. Yet we confess that we are still prone at times to follow the desires of our own flesh, and for this we are sorry. Please forgive our forgetfulness of Your gracious love. On Easter Sunday, we are grateful that You do not judge us according to our sins, for we would not stand the scrutiny of Your absolute holiness. Because Christ died for us, He has been judged in our place and punished for our sins. May we now, in faith, fully identify with Christ's perfect righteousness, simply by trusting in Him. We gratefully pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Sun, March 24
Loving and eternal God, Your Son Jesus came as King to rescue and redeem us. By grace through faith, You adopt us into Your family. Yet often we ignore Your call to serve. We make light of Your invitation to us. Our attention to You is scattered. Our affection for You is fickle. Forgive us for our stubbornness, disobedience, and pride. Renew us so we may love You faithfully. May we hear Your call and respond with joy to the glory and honor of Your holy name. Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Sun, March 17
Gracious and Loving God, our hearts are wandering and distracted. You invite us to serve and love You now, but we refuse because we have places to be and things to do. Our excuses blind us to Your call. The urgent and temporary crowd out what You consider truly important and eternal. Forgive our lack of conviction, discernment, and purpose. Restore to us the joy of serving and loving You. May our lives give You glory and honor. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, March 10
Heavenly Father, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is life to those who call upon His name. Yet, there are still so many who do not believe and even more who have not truly heard. Your Great Commission calls us to share Jesus with our hurting world. Yet, we confess that we miss countless opportunities to bring God's loving message of salvation to others. Forgive us for shying away from the joy of this privilege. Renew in us a heart for the lost. Fill us with Your Spirit, Lord. Open our eyes to creative ways of taking that next step to bless others with the hope of Christ. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Sun, March 3
Heavenly Father, Your counsel is perfect. You invite us to live with singular devotion to You, to trust that you will work all things out in time. Yet we are afraid You won’t take care of us. We fear You will forget or abandon or punish us. We haven’t known You for who You truly are: Our loving Father, our Savior, our Healer. Forgive us for not getting to know You, for assuming the worst about You, for writing You off. Help us to bravely risk the unknown to renew our faith in You. For Your glory, and our good. Amen.
February 2024
Sun, February 18
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us, and forgive us that we may delight in Your will, and walk in Your ways, to the glory of your Name. Amen.
Sun, February 11
Almighty God, we are the sheep of Your pasture, and we desire to honor You in all that we say and do. We confess, however, that we are not always obedient with our actions. Sometimes we are guilty of making lofty promises that we do not keep. We talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. Forgive us when we are not consistent models of godly integrity. Help us instead to be more faithful in reflecting the character and grace of Jesus, our Savior. We pray this humbly in Christ’s name. Amen.
Sun, February 4
Almighty and most merciful Father, we have sinned and strayed from Your ways. We have too often followed the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have failed to obey Your holy laws. We have done those things we ought not to have done. We have left undone those things we ought to have done. Apart from Your grace, there is no health in us. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, and spare all who confess their sin. Restore all who are penitent, according to Your Good News, declared through Christ Jesus our Lord. May we now live to the glory of Your holy Name by the power of Your Spirit. Amen.
January 2024
Sun, January 28
O Lord, if we were marked only by our transgressions, no one could stand. But with You there is forgiveness, and so we come to You, eager for mercy. Forgive us when we don’t exercise curiosity and patience to get to know other people and to see You at work within their lives. Forgive us for those times we have been too easily offended, perceiving that we might be personally threatened. Forgive us when, without listening, we assume our way is the best. Pour the healing power of Your love into our hearts, and strengthen us in our walk as Your disciples, that we might meet brokenness with Your love. Through Christ we pray, Amen.
Sun, January 21
Almighty God, You raised Jesus from death to life, and crowned him Lord of All. We confess that we do not daily acknowledge Him as Lord of our lives, our families, our vocations, or our decisions. We have gone along with the ways of the world. We have failed to wait for Your advice, and to give You all the glory. Forgive us, and raise us from sin, that we may live as those who are faithful to You, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, January 14
Lord God, how glad we are for Your unending mercies and grace! Because we are now in Christ, we have miraculously become a chosen and holy people. Yet, we confess that we often forget just how deeply loved we are in Jesus. Please forgive us for taking that love lightly. May we grow in spiritual maturity and faithfully forgive each other as the Lord has forgiven us. Dress us daily in the wardrobe of tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. May we love consistently in the manner that You love. Help us to do so, all for Your glory, we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sun, January 7
Eternal God, we confess we often do not trust You fully. We admit we often fail to obey You. Instead, we live according to our own priorities. We have not grown into Your call to follow Jesus Christ as Lord. We have not worshiped You with everything we are and everything we have. We have not esteemed others nearly to the level we esteem ourselves. We have forsaken Your assignment to go and make disciples of all peoples. Forgive us, O Lord. Bring us back to complete trust in You and joyful obedience. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
2023 Prayers
Sun, December 31
O Root of Jesse, the One who fills the hearts of men and women with hope, we place our hope in You. We confess our failure to trust fully in Your sacrifice to make us right before You. We confess our need to justify ourselves to You and to others and to pretend we are stronger than we are. We come to You, Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and rely on You to take away our sins. We thank You that Your grace is sufficient for our every shortcoming. You, Jesus, are our hope, joy, and peace, in this and every season. Amen.
Sun, December 17
O God of the past, present, and future: You promise to put things right in Your world. In this season of Advent, we are reminded of Your coming. But we confess we have not expected Your rule and reign. We have not been looking forward to Your kingdom. We instead live casual and lazy lives. We ignore Your promised judgment. We accept lies as truth. We refuse Your grace, justice, and peace. In Your mercy, Lord, forgive us. Grant us wisdom to welcome Your way. Help us to seek what truly endures. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, December 10
Lord, as we enter our second week of Advent, we confess that we have sinned. We have been focused on making holiday magic instead of making room for You. We have not been gentle, trusted You with our worries, or prayed as we ought. We have not dwelled on what is pure, true, honorable, and just as Your word instructs. We have willingly walked the road of self-reliance and self-indulgence. We trust that You hear our confession and, in Your great mercy, will be moved yet again to extend the forgiveness we desperately need. Help us to receive it with humility and joy, to turn from our sin, and walk in peace with You. Amen.
Sun, December 3
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in Your will, and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your Name. Amen.
November 2023
Sun, November 26
O Father God, You love us deeply in Your Son Jesus. Yet we confess we trust in our abilities more than Your grace. We occupy ourselves with our own concerns. We do not attempt to discover and follow Your will for us. We fail to acknowledge the love You have shown to us. Forgive us for our lack of faith and commitment. Help us to love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Help us to care for the needs of neighbors. Help us to share Your story of mercy, forgiveness, and purpose. May we know the power of Your cross and resurrection in our daily lives. We pray in His name. Amen.
Sun, November 19
Gracious God, in Jesus, You have provided fully for our redemption, securing peace with You. And yet, at times we assume we’re on our own. Forgive us when we try to earn our own salvation. Forgive us when we try to change ourselves without Your help. Forgive us when we try to live apart from the Holy Spirit's power and presence. Deepen our trust in Your ability to put sin to death. Renew our hope in Your resurrection power that equips us to walk in the newness of life! In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, November 12
Almighty Father, we enter your presence confessing the things we try to conceal from You and the things we try to conceal from others. We confess the heartbreak, worry, and sorrow we have caused, that make it difficult for others to forgive us. We have failed to love others as You love us. We have not exalted You above all else. We cling to the sins that entangle, rather than accepting the freedom You offer us by Your grace. Forgive us and have mercy on us. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
Sun, November 5
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You are one, and You are perfect love. Lord Jesus, You prayed that we, Your disciples, may be one as You and Your Father are one. You sent Your Spirit to unite us as brothers and sisters. But instead of being one, we divide into enclaves of race, theology, social views, and politics. Our division is a sin, and we are sorry. Please forgive us. May Your comfort, love, and Spirit drive us toward unity that the world may know we belong to Jesus. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
October 2023
Sun, October 29
Heavenly Father, this world is so broken. The earth cries out in pain, and so do our own hearts. Out of the depths we cry to You. We recognize that we each bring our own mistakes, our own selfishness, and our own sin to add to the seemingly unbearable pain of the world. Oh Lord, hear our voices and let Your ears be attentive to our cry for mercy – for ourselves and for the world. With You, there is forgiveness. Therefore, we wait in the sure hope of Your unfailing love, knowing that You redeem us from all our sins. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, October 22
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in Your will, and walk in Your ways, to the glory of your Name. Amen.
Sun, October 15
Lord, Your Word tells us to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. But our lives are often a poor reflection of who You are. We know we are to work together to further the Gospel. Instead, we are distracted and too focused on our selfish ambitions. You call us to be a community of believers who are joined together by the joy of our salvation. Forgive us when we fail to be the body of Christ together. May we know what it is to be truly humble, to deny ourselves and to take up our cross to follow You. It is in the giving of ourselves to You that we find true grace and belonging. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, October 8
Heavenly Father, You are a God of relentless love and Your care for us knows no bounds. And yet, when our personal situations seem to be spinning out of control, we can find ourselves overwhelmed by anxiety. We confess our lack of trust in Your faithfulness towards us. Forgive us for our impatience and instead help us to see where You are already at work in our lives. Steady our minds and fix our hearts upon Your promises and goodness. Fill us with Your joy and encouragement as you renew our thinking. We ask this in the strong Name of Jesus. Amen.
Sun, October 1
Lord God, You love us, and You call us to love You. You show us great compassion and patience. Yet we fail to have compassion and patience with those struggling and in great need. We see them as less than us. We see them as obstacles in our way. We see them as drains on our resources. We fail to recognize our shared need for grace in every day, every hour, and every minute. Forgive us for our pride, self-centeredness, and inability to see things as they really are. Renew and restore us as followers of Jesus Christ who are saved by grace and live each day by grace. Through Christ we pray. Amen.
September 2023
Sun, September 24
Holy, just, and gracious God, we count ourselves among those who have sinned and fall short of Your glory. We have neglected to worship You and made idols for ourselves that are unworthy of worship. We have not sought first Your kingdom and Your righteousness. We have not been content with our daily bread, or loved our neighbors well. We have run toward temptation and not away. The very sins we judge in others we have committed ourselves. We confess our sins to You and plead the blood of Christ as our one defense. We ask You to forgive us, for we need Your mercy and we long to be cleansed and restored. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
Sun, September 17
Almighty God, You are exceedingly gracious and merciful. You forgive us and restore us when we turn from our wrongdoing and turn toward You. Yet we are often reluctant to recognize and confess our sins. We run from Your presence, refusing to accept Your word. Lord, let us be more like the repentant Ninevites who cried out mightily to You. Have mercy on us and restore us to right relationship with You. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sun, September 10
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart, we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in Your will, and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your Name. Amen.
Sun, September 3
Gracious and forgiving God, You always love us, yet we do not always act like we love You. Our self-delusions and self-justifications run deep. Too many times we trust in our own ability and decision-making. Too many times we fail to live as grateful disciples of Jesus Christ. Forgive us for our blindness, willfulness, and pride. Set us back on Your path of grace, witness, and service. We pray this humbly in the name of Jesus. Amen.
August 2023
Sun, August 27
Heavenly Father, we gather today and recognize our need for You. We admit that it is easy to lose sight of Your goodness and purpose when faced with emotional, physical, and spiritual storms. Forgive us for the times we lack trust in Your promises. Help us hear Your voice and see You move in our ordinary day-to-day lives. In Jesus name, Amen.
Sun, August 20
Loving and Almighty God, many times we think we love You well, but we deceive ourselves. We confess our love is diluted and divided. Our attention falls away. Our devotion dies. Our commitment withers, and we flee from Your presence and purpose. Forgive us, O God. In Your deep mercy, spare us. Rekindle our love for You as we experience Your love for us through the grace of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sun, August 13
Loving Father, we want our lives to be a sermon of God's grace to others. And yet, we often neglect to give attention to adequate study of Your word. We confess the sin of relying on our own understanding. Forgive us, Lord. Give us, we pray, a Spirit-filled knowledge of the truth of Your holy scriptures. Keep us from adding our own fallible interpretations of Your word, but instead may we rightly divine and preach the word of truth. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Sun, August 6
Holy God, we confess our tendency toward a life driven by our preferences rather than Your instruction. It is easier to follow our own path of ease, comfort, and stability instead of running hard after You. We are quick to forget what You have taught us as we sink back into our personal desires. Help us, Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to love the things You love. May Your direction—not our preferences—guide us as we strive to live like Jesus. Give us endurance when we want to be complacent and patience when we are frustrated with ourselves and others. We trust in Your unfailing love as You help us grow in love and knowledge of You. In Jesus' name, Amen.
July 2023
Sun, July 30
God of everlasting love, we confess we have been unfaithful to our covenant with You and with one another. We have worshiped many other gods, like money, greed, influence, and happiness. We have sought fulfillment in things that can never satisfy. We have served our own self-interest instead of serving only You and Your kingdom. We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. Forgive us, gracious God. Bring us back into the fullness of our relationship with You and restore within us the joy of Your salvation. Through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.
Sun, July 23
Holy God, our selfishness and self-centered nature are always before us. We limp around altars we have made to false gods, we sacrifice ourselves for that which cannot satisfy. We turn to idols to meet our deepest needs. Forgive us O God and remind us that you are the provider of all we need. You give us life so that we may serve and enjoy you forever. Open our hearts to your generous nature so that we may give from the abundance of your grace. In Jesus. Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, July 16
O Lord, You have called us to a way that is too great for us. Just as Christ came to serve, not to be served, You call us to serve others, even our enemies. Just as Christ suffered to bring us comfort, You call us to enter others’ suffering that they may be comforted. We have fallen short of Your great calling for us. We expect others to serve us. We avoid hard situations to protect our own comfort. Forgive us, Lord, and fill us with Your Spirit that we may become more like Jesus. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Sun, July 9
Gracious God, we know Your Word, and value Your love, but we don’t find it natural to trust Your purposes, especially when tests and trials interrupt our plans. When we doubt Your goodness, forgive us. When we question Your loving presence, forgive us. Remind us of the trials and tests You faced, taking our sin to the cross so that we might be reconciled to You now and forever. Renew us in the grace and strength of the Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.
Sun, July 2
Holy God, to Your grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be. Let Thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it; prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above, Amen.
June 2023
Sun, June 25
Almighty God, to You all hearts are open, all desires known, and from You no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love You, and worthily magnify Your Holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, June 18
Lord, you have called us to pray about all things. And yet sometimes we fail to ask for miracles of healing. Forgive us, Lord, for not prioritizing prayer and for our lack of faith. Remind us that Scripture is full of examples of supernatural healing mercies extended to us and to those we love. We have not because we ask not. Allow us to trust you more completely. May we pray daily in confidence and expect miracles from you. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sun, June 11
Gracious God, You call us to be salt and light but we often keep our lights hidden away. We do not use our words or actions to encourage others to pursue a life with You. We take the Gospel for ourselves, but do not feel the urgency to share this gift of grace with the world. Forgive us and help us to bear witness to the hope we confess, so that others may follow You. You are the Hope of the World. Amen.
Sun, June 4
Almighty and Gracious God, You call us to pray to You. You desire to hear our praises and petitions. But we are reluctant to come before You in love, joy, and obedience. Our prayers often reflect our self-centeredness and limited vision. Our praises are repeatedly half-hearted and perfunctory. Our requests frequently reveal more about our will for our lives, not Your will. We find it most difficult to trust and believe. Forgive us for our sin and free us from its chains. Enable us to pray in Your power to the glory and honor of Your holy name. Amen.
May 2023
Sun, May 28
Lord, You are good and faithful and never neglect us. But we often neglect You and each other. We fail to prioritize worshipping You, even as we make time for other things. We forsake the true focus of worship and make it all about us and our preferences. We prefer our styles, our songs, and our preachers. We are sorry for our sins. Please forgive us. Re-tune our hearts to glorify and enjoy You as we worship together. Thank you for forgiving us in Jesus through the cross. Amen.
Sun, May 21
Almighty God, You have raised your Son Jesus from death to life, and crowned Him Lord of all. We confess that we have failed to bow before Him, or acknowledge His rule in our lives. Instead, we have followed the ways of the world, and failed to give Him the glory He deserves. Hear our confession, forgive us, and cleanse our hearts to worship You. Establish us as Your faithful people, who move and act in obedience and love, and in imitation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sun, May 14
Eternal God, You want us to pray to You frequently, honestly, and passionately because You love us and enjoy hearing from us. But instead we often consider prayer a last resort, a duty, or even a waste of time. Again and again, we pray to You only when we're in trouble and can't think of what else to do. We bring You a list of requests and wants, seeking after what pleases us, not what honors Jesus Christ our Lord. Forgive us for our sin in abusing this marvelous gift from You. Empower us to pray through the Holy Spirit, so we may know You, trust You, and obey You. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, May 7
Gracious God, Your yoke is easy, and your burden is light. You say you will give us rest, yet we don’t always believe it. Forgive us for being distracted by our doing. Instead of finding rest in Your being. Help us to put aside our tasks so that we might find our rest in you. Amen.
April 2023
Sun, April 30
Loving and forgiving God, we confess that we find it easier to follow the crowd than to follow You. We seek the praise of others, rather than seeking to give You joy with our faithfulness. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry. Grant us grace to grow more and more in Your likeness and image, through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Amen.
Sun, April 23
We gather today and recognize our need for You. We admit that it is easy to lose sight of Your goodness and purpose when faced with emotional, physical, and spiritual storms. Forgive us for the times we lack trust in Your promises. Help us hear Your voice and see You move in our ordinary day-to-day lives. In Jesus name, Amen.
Sun, April 16
Almighty God, you are faithful, true, and unchanging, but we do not always trust and obey. You as we should. In our pride we challenge Your rule over us. In our shortsightedness we are slow to obey, or we ignore Your commands altogether. In our rush to claim what is ours, we forget that everything belongs to You. In thought and deed, we have sinned against You. Open our eyes, God, to see You as You are. Forgive us for these and other sins and have mercy on us in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Easter Sun, April 9
Almighty and gracious God, Easter Sunday represents the most important moment in human history. On that day, You raised Jesus from death to life and crowned Him forever our Lord. And yet, we still fail to trust You completely with our lives. We confess that we remain captive to fear and doubt. We confess our feelings of indifference and confusion. Help us with our unbelief, Lord. Forgive us and remind us that Jesus gave His very life that we might draw near to you. Raise us from our sin, that we may walk victoriously by faith. We pray this in the name of our precious Savior and King, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Palm Sun, April 2
Eternal God, You never break Your covenant with us, but we confess we often fail to be loyal to You. We betray our neighbors, desert our friends, and run in fear when we should be strong. Though You have bound Yourself to us, we will not bind ourselves to You. Have mercy on us, for we are weak and willful people. Forgive, lead, and unite us in Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of Life and the true Vine. In His name we pray. Amen.
March 2023
Sun, March 26
Dear God, we come before You admitting that it is easy to lose sight of what is true according to Your Word. Forgive us when we judge others. Forgive us when pride and our worldly definition of success causes division in our relationships. Show us how to love people well and to daily keep our eyes focused on You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Sun, March 19
Almighty and merciful God, Your grace is far beyond our understanding. Yet we repeatedly stray from Your path. Our hearts are filled with pride, greed, and the desire to put ourselves first. We have sinned against You often in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and what we have left undone. Have mercy upon us, O God. Forgive us our sins. Empower us to live in Your light and to walk in Your ways to the honor of Your holy Name. Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Sun, March 12
Gracious God, we let the darkness of our sin overwhelm us and paralyze us from changing course. We think forgiveness must be earned and that Your grace is not sufficient. We remain slaves to sin, rather than benefactors of Your great mercy. Forgive our sins and release us from the grip of our failures. Turn our eyes to the future You desire for us, for You alone are the Hope of the World. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, March 5
Gracious God, You have made us for Yourself. Therefore, our hearts are restless until we rest in You. We hear this. We know this. And yet, we often demand instant conveniences and prioritize personal agendas over relationship with You. Forgive us, and let us hear again the invitation to come to You, especially when the burdens are heavy, for in You is our rest, our redemption, our renewal, and our resurrection, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
February 2023
Sun, Feb 19
Gracious God, we know Your Word, and value Your love, but we don’t find it natural to trust Your purposes, especially when tests and trials interrupt our plans. When we doubt Your goodness, forgive us. When we question Your loving presence, forgive us. Remind us of the trials and tests You faced, taking our sin to the cross so that we might be reconciled to You now and forever. Renew us in the grace and strength of the Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.
Sun, Feb 12
Heavenly Father, You are so gracious and we acknowledge Your constant care and devotion for us. You have promised to give Your children the peace that is beyond our understanding. And still, we are guilty of trying to control the stresses of life on our own and in our own strength. Forgive us, Lord, for not trusting in Your precepts. Forgive us for not fully believing in Your faithfulness and goodness. Calm our spirits and deepen our faith in You. We give our stress and anxiety to You and receive Your mercy. Help us to overcome the challenges before us and to glorify You in all things. In Christ’s Name we pray. Amen.
Sun, Feb 5
Holy God, you see us as we are. You know our inmost thoughts. We confess we are unworthy of Your gracious care, for we forget that all life comes from You. We have not lived as Your grateful children, nor have we loved as Christ loved us. Apart from Your grace, there is no health in us. Lord, in Your mercy, forgive us, heal us, and make us whole. Set us free from our sin, and restore to us Your joy. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
January 2023
Sun, Jan 29
Dear loving and gracious God, we recognize that we are weak and sinful people. We are sorry for the times we have been silent and for the times we have shied away from sharing the Gospel of hope with others. Forgive us for the times we put our own comfort, security, and pride before You. Help us believe that You can take our failures and use them to encourage and bless others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Sun, Jan 22
Gracious God, too often we believe that our hard work should earn us comfort, conveniences, and control. Too often, we rely on our own abilities to craft and maintain a life independent from You. Forgive us. More than anything else in the world, we need You! May we be poor in spirit that by Your Spirit we might receive the Kingdom of God, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, Jan 15
Heavenly Father, You are a God of love and Your care for us knows no bounds. And yet, we sometimes feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. When our personal situations seem to be spinning out of control, we can find ourselves overwhelmed by anxiety. We confess our lack of trust in your faithfulness towards us. Forgive us for our impatience and instead help us to see where You are already at work in our lives. Steady our minds and fix our hearts upon Your promises and goodness. Fill us with Your joy and encouragement as you renew our thinking. We ask this in the strong name of Jesus, Our Savior. Amen.
Sun, Jan 8
Heavenly Father, You are a God of love and Your care for us knows no bounds. And yet, we sometimes feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. When our personal situations seem to be spinning out of control, we can find ourselves overwhelmed by anxiety. We confess our lack of trust in your faithfulness towards us. Forgive us for our impatience and instead help us to see where You are already at work in our lives. Steady our minds and fix our hearts upon Your promises and goodness. Fill us with Your joy and encouragement as you renew our thinking. We ask this in the strong name of Jesus, Our Savior. Amen.
2022 Prayers
Sat, Dec 24
God of grace and truth, in Jesus Christ You came among us as light shining in the darkness. We confess we have not welcomed Your light, or trusted Your good news to be good. We have closed our eyes to Your glory in our midst, expecting little, and hoping for less. Forgive our doubt and renew our hope, so we may receive the fullness of Your grace, and live in the truth of Jesus Christ the Lord. Through Him we pray. Amen.
Sun, Dec 18
Gracious God, We build walls to protect ourselves, but it leads to isolation. We make independence the highest value, instead of complete dependence on You. Forgive us for our inability to surrender everything to Your will. Help us to give You our work, our family, our relationships, our resources, and our time. May we choose a life committed to Your purposes over a life driven by our own ambitions and desires. May You alone be what our heart desires. In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
Sun, Dec 11
God of Tender Mercies, You have called us to walk with You, work with You, and follow You. However, there are times we’d prefer to go it alone, or to pattern our lives around penultimate heroes. Forgive us for drowning out Your voice, or for lazing about in the good news of our faith without considering the deep commitment into which You call us. By Your Holy Spirit make us whole, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, Dec 4
Almighty God: You love the world so much that You gave Your Son so we may have eternal life. Yet we confess we often fail to reflect this great love shown to us. We follow the ways of this world instead of Your way. We pursue our longings instead of obeying Your truth. We serve other masters instead of the crucified and risen Lord. Forgive us for the sins we have committed against You. Renew us for faithful and joyful service. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
November 2022
Sun, Nov 27
Gracious God, we know that You have forgiven us in Jesus Christ, but we often remain slow to forgive one other. You have sent Your Spirit to reconcile us to each other, but we resist Your work to bind us together. Fill us with gratitude for the grace of being in forgiven-fellowship with You. Change our hearts, making us ever more ready to extend peace. All this we pray through Jesus, the One who came from heaven to earth to reconcile us back to God, Amen.
Sun, Nov 20
God, You are light and there is no darkness in You at all. We claim to have fellowship with You and with one another, yet because of our sin we walk in the dark shadows of isolation. We lie to ourselves and to You, and we do not live by Your truth. Forgive us, O God. May we walk in the light as You are in the light, so that we may have fellowship with You and with one another. Remind us that the blood of Jesus purifies us from sin. Through Your forgiveness we are filled with Your truth and light. Amen. (Taken from John 1:5b-8)
Sun, Nov 13
Gracious and merciful God, we confess we have sinned against You in our thoughts, words, and actions. Our minds are full of what the world considers to be wise. Our words have not reflected Your grace, goodness, and mercy. Our deeds have often revealed our pride, self-centeredness, and apathy. Forgive us, O Lord. Free us from this bondage to sin and empower us to serve You to Your Name's glory. Through Christ we pray. Amen.
Sun, Nov 6
Dear Lord, we come before You as Your children to give You the honor and praise that You so richly deserve. You are our One and only true God, the generous giver of life and the sustainer of our souls. We are grateful for Your grace, for how You love us, and for how You have called us to be Your hands and feet. In response to Your great mercy, we confess how we have sinned and fallen short of the people You created us to be. We have acted in selfish ways, we have hurt one another, and we have functioned as if the universe revolves around us. We have strayed from our worship of You and gone our own way. We are heartily sorry. Please forgive us, Lord, and cause us to truly repent and to mercifully receive Your love. We pray this humbly in Jesus' Name. Amen.
October 2022
Sun, Oct 30
Almighty God, You raised Jesus from death to life, and crowned him Lord of All. We confess that we do not daily acknowledge Him as Lord of our lives, our families, our vocations, or our decisions. We have gone along with the ways of the world. We have failed to wait for Your advice, and to give You all the glory. Forgive us, and raise us from sin, that we may live as those who are faithful to You, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, Oct 23
Heavenly Father, You have gone to great lengths to redeem us by Your Son Jesus Christ. You invite us into a life of hope, joy, and freedom. And yet, we forget, Lord, that You have sanctified us for greater things. We confess that we abandon You when our comfort is threatened. We admit that we get consumed with serving ourselves and our own interests. Have mercy on us. Father, cause us to turn our gaze squarely back on You. Forgive us and open our eyes and ears to a greater awareness of You, and to the adventure of living for Your glory each and every day. We pray this humbly in Christ’s Name. Amen.
Sun, Oct 16
Holy and merciful God, in Your presence we confess our sinfulness and our offenses against You. You know how we have strayed from Your ways, how we have wasted Your blessings, and how we have misused Your grace. Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we are ashamed and sorry for all we have done that dishonors You. Forgive our sins, and empower us to live in Your light. We pray in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, Oct 9
Gracious and compassionate God, You bless us with unfailing mercy, yet we have not followed You well. You call us to love, but we do not listen to You. You command us to serve, but we walk away from those in need. You direct us to worship, but we give our allegiance to idols. Forgive us, O Lord, and renew us. Help us to live as new creations in You. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, Oct 2
Dear God, As we gather on World Communion Sunday, may we be reminded of Your unconditional grace, love, and provision gifted to us through the death and resurrection of Your son, Jesus Christ. Today, we are reminded that You alone unite the body of Christ, together, as one church under the Lordship of Christ. Forgive us, God, when we stray away from truth. Forgive us, God, for actions that may lead to division rather than unity. Help us, God, to live a purpose-driven life that aligns with Your heart for all people and guided by Your Word of truth. Thank you for welcoming us to commune with You, on our bad days and our good days, not because of anything we have done to deserve it, but because of Jesus’ sacrifice that gives us life. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
September 2022
Sun, Sep 25
One: O Lord, You are the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love God and keep the commandments.
All: Let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open as we confess the ways we have sinned against You.
One: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
All: We have offended You deeply, failing to keep the commandments given to Moses.
One: Remember Your Word to Moses, “If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples;
All: But if you return to Me and keep My commandments, I will gather them and bring them to the place at which I have chosen to establish My Name.”
One: We are Your servants and Your people, whom You redeemed by Your great power and Your strong hand.
All: O Lord, let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servants who delight to honor Your Name, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, Sep 18
Eternal and Gracious God, We praise You, for You are just and true. Your love is with us always. In Your grace, You call us to confess our sin and receive Your mercy. Many times we have done what we should not have done. We know this is true, so we acknowledge it before You. Many times we also have not done what we should have done. We know this is true as well, so we admit it in Your presence. Help us to serve You joyfully, so You may receive the honor. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, Sep 11
Lord God, You tell us to put our trust in You when we are afraid or hopeless. Yet, we confess that we often fail to even ask for Your divine intervention or protection. Forgive us, Lord, for not inviting You into our concerns. We acknowledge that You are indeed our fortress and our shield. We run to You now and we put our trust in You, our loving Creator. Secure us in Your love for us; protect us from enemy arrows. Give us rest from worry, and revive us, mind, body and soul, so we may praise You fully. We ask this humbly in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.
Sun, Sep 4
You have made us; we are Your people, the sheep of Your pasture. For the times we wander from Your leadership, forgive us. For the times we lead others astray, pursue us with Your grace. No matter where we wander, seek us out. Bring us back to the security of Your loving care and the comfort of Your presence. Draw us into the assurance that goodness and mercy will follow us, and that we will dwell in Your house forever, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
August 2022
Sun, Aug 28
Gracious and giving God, You always love us, yet we do not always love You. Our self-delusions and self-justifications run deep. Too many times we trust in our own ability and strength. Too many times we ignore what You give and empower. Too many times we think we are the cause of our success. Too many times we fail to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. Forgive us for our blindness, willfulness, and pride. Set us back on Your path of grace, witness, and service. We ask this in the Name of the risen Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sun, Aug 21
Holy and gracious God, At times we feel so frail and fragile, getting blown about by the latest crisis, by bad news, by our own short tempers and failings. You call us to hold fast to what is good, but so often we flounder, unable to find the solid thing that will center us again. Help us, we pray. Help us to see You as our center, and to cling to the good that You create in the world. Help us to set aside all our jealousies and prejudices, our betrayals and lies, and all that adds to the world’s hurt. Help us to grow even more into Christ’s likeness that we will bear His love and truth to the world. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, Aug 14
Almighty God, In our pride we have strayed from You. We have followed the desires of our hearts while ignoring what You desire for us. We have left things that matter undone while being consumed by the busyness we have created. Forgive us for our sins and help us to realign our lives with You. May we humbly seek You in thought, word and deed. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
July 2022
Sun, July 31
Lord Christ, You are the Cornerstone of our fellowship and faith. By Your design, we are Your living stones, being built together to be Your house. Forgive us when we wrestle against You and doubt Your good plan. Remind us of Your promised presence, even when suffering is uncomfortable. By the power of Your Spirit, make us fit for Your purpose and praise, In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Sun, July 24
Eternal God, in Whom we live and move and have our being, Whose face is hidden from us by our sins, and Whose mercy we forget in the blindness of our hearts: Cleanse us from all our offenses, and deliver us from proud thoughts and vain desires, that with reverent and humble hearts we may draw near to You, confessing our faults, confiding in Your grace, and finding in You our refuge and strength; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, July 17
Dear God, we confess to You that we often think and act selfishly. Your Word tells us this is not the best way to live; we are sorry. Thank You that Jesus loved us so much He died on the cross so we could be forgiven. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Sun, July 10
Dear God, we confess to you that we often think and act selfishly. Your Word tells us that this is not the best way to live; we are sorry. Thank You that Jesus loved us so much that died on the cross so that we could be forgiven. Please make us more like You, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Sun, Jul 3
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion, blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart. We pray these words in Christ’s Name. Amen.
June 2022
Sun, Jun 26
O Christ, our Redeemer, If we have misused the freedom secured for us by Your work on the cross solely to build our own ego, forge our own way, and accumulate our own comforts, please forgive us. Remind us that Your Kingdom is our truest home, and that You are the truest King! Compel us again by Your love to live with passion for the Gospel, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, Jun 19
Merciful Father God, You created us in Your image with minds to know You, hearts to love You, and wills to serve You. You call us to be Your holy people, but we rebel against Your plan. Our knowledge falters, our love wavers, and our obedience resists. Day by day, we fail to grow into Your likeness. Through Your gracious love, forgive us. Renew us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Enable us to live in the power of Your Spirit. In His Name we pray. Amen.
Sun, Jun 12
Gracious God, Forgive us for not seeking to be a people set apart. You have called us to be holy and to live as Your people, guided by Your word and example. Forgive us when we pursue the things of this world rather than the things that matter to You. Help us to seek to be holy as You are holy. May we lay our lives down so that we can take up Your cross and follow You. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
Sun, Jun 5
Lord, This world is so broken. The earth cries out in pain, and so do our own hearts. Out of the depths we cry to You. We recognize that we each bring our own mistakes, our own selfishness, and our own sin to add to the seemingly unbearable pain of the world. Oh Lord, hear our voices and let Your ears be attentive to our cry for mercy – for ourselves and for the world. With You, there is forgiveness. Therefore, we wait in the sure hope of Your unfailing love, knowing that You redeem us from all our sins. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.
May 2022
Sun, May 29
Lord, this world is so broken. The earth cries out in pain, and so do our own hearts. Out of the depths we cry to You. We recognize that we each bring our own mistakes, our own selfishness, and our own sin to add to the seemingly unbearable pain of the world. Oh Lord, hear our voices and let Your ears be attentive to our cry for mercy – for ourselves and for the world. With You, there is forgiveness. Therefore, we wait in the sure hope of Your unfailing love, knowing that You redeem us from all our sins. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, May 22
God of grace, We hide in our hearts the deepest regrets of our souls. We are ashamed to reveal that which the cross has already claimed. May we bring to light what is comfortable staying in the dark. May we believe that the promise of grace is truly for us. Forgive us for the sins we hide and the sins we ignore. Separate us from our transgressions by Your great hand of mercy. In the Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Sun, May 15
Dear God, We believe the lie that we are only responsible for ourselves. We choose to not take on the burdens of others because it is too messy and inconvenient. We would rather gossip than offer a hand to help. We hold on tightly to the things we could easily share. Forgive us Lord, for not making taking seriously the commandment to love one another as You have loved us. May our relationships reflect who You are and the people you have called us to be. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
Sun, May 8
Gracious God, You are loving and kind. We confess to You our sins, for they are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive what our lips tremble to name, and what our hearts can no longer bear. See us free from a past that we cannot change. Open us to Your future, in which we will be changed. Grant us Your grace to grow more and more into Your likeness. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, May 1
Almighty God, You who shaped out of nothing all that is, forgive us for returning empty-handed. You who called forth light, forgive our preference for the dark! You who sent John to be a voice crying, forgive our unwillingness to say anything at all! Create in us clean hearts, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
April 2022
Sun, April 24
Faithful God, We have seen and experienced Your power, grace, and love countless times. Yet we still doubt Your goodness toward us. We have been changed by Your mercy. Yet we persist in sinful patterns. You call us to be bold in our faith. Yet we often shrink back and hide from the life you call us into. Forgive us for caring more about what the world thinks than what You have instructed. Give us boldness to step into the abundant life You invite us to have because of Jesus' victory over sin and death. In His Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, April 10
Gracious Lord, You are our faithful God and worthy to be praised. Today we celebrate the most significant day in all of human history. On Easter Sunday, two thousand years ago, You miraculously achieved the impossible with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. And yet, we often live our daily lives as if the tomb were not empty. We often walk in denial and fail to welcome the new life You have so graciously given. We confess our sins of indifference and faithlessness; forgive our fear and doubt. Deepen our faith, through Christ’s resurrection power, to live our lives fully for the One who died and rose again for us. We pray this in the Name of our precious Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen..
Sun, April 10
Eternal God, In Jesus Christ, You entered Jerusalem to die for our sins. We confess we have not always hailed You as King. We think we are prosperous and need nothing. We refuse to admit our continued brokenness. Our enthusiasms fizzle and commitments fade. Yet You graciously stand at the door of our hearts and knock. You invite us to repent and have fellowship with You. Forgive us and open our hearts to Your mercy. Renew us and lead us to follow You as Lord. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, April 3
Heavenly Father, We are grateful to be counted as Your children and to worship and serve together as the body of Christ. We confess that there are times we stray from You and drift toward other things. Forgive us, dear God, and make us aware of any dangers or stumbling blocks that would inhibit our love for You. Keep us from developing an attitude of complacency. Keep us in full and utter dependence upon You. May we stand before Your throne one day and hear You say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." In Jesus' Name, we humbly pray. Amen.
March 2022
Sun, March 27
Eternal and Loving God: You are forgiving and kind. We need Your grace and mercy because it is far too easy for us to exchange Your convictions for our convenience, Your standards for our status, and Your absolutes for our ambition. We think we are full of life, but in reality we are asleep to Your presence in the world and Your work in our lives. Without You, we are dead. Revive and restore us, O Lord. Fill us with Your life and hope. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, March 20
Righteous and Glorious God, we acknowledge that we often ignore our sin. We confess that too often we fail to confess. We tolerate the sin that clings to us. We accept the transgressions that weigh us down. Forgive us, O Lord. Through Jesus, take away our iniquity. May we hold fast to You, our stronghold. May we be glad in You, our strength. In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Sun, March 13
God of mercy, You sent Jesus Christ to seek and to save the lost. We confess that we have strayed from You and turned aside from Your way. We are misled by pride, for we see ourselves pure when we are stained, and great when we are small. We have failed in love, neglected injustice, and ignored Your truth. Have mercy on us, O God, and forgive our sin. Return us to paths of righteousness through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Sun, March 6
God, oftentimes we carry the burdens of the world on our shoulders But do we believe You are strong enough to take them from us, to obliterate our worries and our fears? Forgive us, Lord, for our mistrust and controlling tendencies, and for making You small and inactive in our lives. We know, we must lay everything at Your feet to truly be set free from the sin that entangles us. As we lay down our own burdens, for Your lighter load, yoke us, gently, to You. You are all-powerful and almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. In loving awe, we celebrate You as the Alpha and Omega. Amen.
February 2022
Sun, Feb 27
There is no Prayer of Confession available this week. MDPC left the building for our Church in the City event.
Sun, Feb 20
Eternal God of grace and mercy, we confess we have often elevated the things of this world above You. We have made idols of ideas, possessions, and people. We have used Your name for our causes. We have permitted our schedules to come first. We have not worshiped You with our whole heart. We have not fought the good fight. Forgive us, O God, for the many ways we fall short of Your will. Empower us, O God, to run the races set before us to Your glory. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, Feb 13
God of peace and hope, We confess to holding tightly to things we cannot control. We let worry consume us and dictate our actions, and we tell ourselves the lie that You are not enough. Forgive us for our failure to rest in Your provision. You always give us exactly what we need, when we need it and with a measure of grace we don’t deserve. May we put our trust in you alone. Amen.
Sun, Feb 6
Father God, Forgive Your sons and daughters for disobeying You. You have asked us to be in this world, but not of it. Yet, we strive to look more and more like those around us. If we see those who are successful in business, we run after that. If we try to "keep up with the Joneses", we sacrifice our integrity. When we strive to have the perfect marriage, kids, car...we throw away our desire for Your perfect guidance. Forgive our impertinence, God. We seek You with humble hearts and know that without You, we are nothing. No amount of striving in this world will earn us the free grace You have given us through Jesus Christ, Your son. Thank You, God, Amen.
January 2022
Sun, Jan 30
Gracious God, Your Word promises Your blessing to those who walk in Your ways.We desire that blessing, but in selfishness and impatience, we often choose what is convenient without considering it is of You; we often take the popular path without asking whether it is Your path; we often opt for the easiest way, even if it doesn’t bear Your fruit. Forgive us, Lord Jesus, and compel us to reach more deeply into the rivers of Your wisdom. Transform us, Holy Spirit, and bind our hearts more dearly to You so that we may live in the joy of Your salvation through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sun, Jan 23
Father God, We join together as a community to offer our confession. We are self-seeking and self-assured, when we ought to be self-sacrificing and humble in spirit. We attempt to choose our own plans, inviting You along as an afterthought. Forgive us for relying on the world for knowledge, when You have made clear we must deny ourselves and follow You. Thank You for graciously forgiving our wrongdoings; leading us gently in relationship with You. Together, we exalt Your Name and claim the joys that Your refuge provides. Amen.
Sun, Jan 16
Lord, Your people have a long history of forgetting You. They forgot You in the Wilderness. They forgot You when they had their kings. They forgot You in Exile. Lord, we are no different. Through the waters of baptism, we are Your people, and we still forget. We make plans without considering You. We go weeks without worshipping You. We imagine we can do life without You in the center of it. We are sorry, Lord. Please forgive us. Thank you for making us Your people, and thank You for never forgetting us. In Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen.
Sun, Jan 9
God, we often fall short. We want to be first, but You call us to be last. We want to be great, but we miss the fact that You have called us to something deeper. Father, we confess our selfishness when we overlook the needs of others, and instead focus on our own desires. Forgive us for our pride, and for wanting to be the god of our lives. Lord, teach us how to serve obediently so that we may lead with integrity. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Sun, Jan 2
God, we say we want to know You intimately, but our actions do not prioritize a deeper faith. A faith that trusts You completely; a faith that transforms how we live; a faith that puts You first. Forgive us for living the Christian life on our terms and walking with You only when it is convenient and easy. May we seek to know You deeply because we are deeply known by You. May You be our first priority and not our last. May we pursue You with the same passion that You pursue us. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
2021 Prayers
Sun, Dec 26
Almighty God, You call us through Jesus, the living and eternal Word, but we have not responded well. We instead turn away from Your light to follow our own desires. We do not love our neighbors as You command. We do not bear witness of Your grace through our words, actions, and thoughts. We have nothing to offer You but our pride, insincerity, and faithlessness. Have mercy on us, O Lord, and forgive us. Empower us to serve You as redeemed and renewed people, to the glory of Your Name. Amen.
Sun, Dec 19
God of Grace, We ask Your forgiveness for being consumed by the season and not by You. Forgive us, Lord. When we reduce Christmas to gifts and events, have mercy on us, Father. When our self- absorbed nature causes us to forget about the pain and hurt of others, let Your grace consume us, O God. When peace is something we no longer fight for, forgive us, Lord, and move us to compassion and action.; When our caring is not extended beyond our small circle, Convict us to reach out to a world in need. We come to confess our sinfulness before you and before each other. May we truly live no longer for ourselves, but as forgiven people who embody your mercy and grace. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.
Sun, Dec 12
Almighty God, giver of all good gifts, especially Your Son, the Word made flesh: We confess we have neither followed Your light, nor searched for signs of Your love in the world. We have refused Your peace and care. We have not trusted Your good news to be truly good. We have expected little, and hoped for less. Forgive us for doubting and failing to trust You. Renew within us all Your strong and noble desires. Help us to hear once more the story of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, with transformed lives and renewed hearts. In His Name we pray. Amen.
Sun, Dec 5
Lord, You have called us out of darkness, and made straight the path. Your word is true, yet we don’t always believe it. You are speaking, but are we listening? We need a shepherd to guide and to carry us. Show us the way and forgive our sins. Change us from the inside out. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sun, Nov 28
Heavenly Father, We worship You and express our gratitude for Your amazing plan of redemption made possible through the birth of the Christ child. This providential event, predicted long before by the Hebrew prophets, culminated in our Lord Jesus being born in Bethlehem at the exact appointed time. Nevertheless, we confess that we can often become jaded by a seasonal story that we have heard multiple times. Forgive our sin of apathy and indifference. Most certainly, we do not want to take this triumphant miracle for granted. May it become increasingly thrilling to our soul to worship the arrival of the Son of God to earth with new eyes. And thank you, Holy Spirit, for securing our salvation in Christ for all who believe. We lift up God’s holy Name in adoration. Amen.
Sun, Nov 21
Lord, Your perspective is eternal. Our view is narrow and clouded with bias. You are present to all of time in an instant. We overlook the people and circumstances right in front of us. You are orchestrating all of history toward fullness in Jesus. We struggle to maintain healthy relationship even with those we love most. Father, we need You—Your perspective, Your presence, and Your power. Forgive us for turning to our own broken wisdom and limited perspectives. Direct us more fully to Your Son. Make us more like Him, and empower us by Your Spirit to follow the way of Jesus. We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Sun, Nov 14
Gracious Lord, You have taught us to trust You, but we prefer to trust ourselves. You have offered us peace, but we continue to live in chaos. You have offered us rest, but we are weighed down with our own sin. Help us to surrender our need for control, misguided self-sufficiency, and prideful arrogance. Forgive our sin. Heal our hearts. Cleanse our souls, and let us find true rest in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Sun, Nov 7
Heavenly Father, We so want to be right in Your eyes. Yet Your Holy Word makes it clear to us that our righteousness does not come from us, or from any attempts to keep the Law. In fact, we find great relief when we learn that we do not have to perform for You to earn Your love. All You require for us is to place our faith in Your precious son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, we do get distracted at times, and find ourselves attempting to secure Your love by our own efforts. Have mercy upon us Lord. Forgive us, O God, when we lapse back into our worldly mindset of performance. Forgive us for when we lose sight of the simple goal of loving Christ with all of our hearts. Whatever gains we might experience in our lives, like Paul, may we consider them as loss when compared to the surpassing value of knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord. We pray this in His holy Name. Amen.
Sun, Oct 31
Heavenly Father, We pray that our hearts desire what Your heart desires, Instead of being blinded by the lights of success; by the perceived safety of money; by the need to attain more and more. May we instead pursue the deeper things of Your Kingdom. Forgive us for our failure to value what You value. Forgive us for living selfish lives that aren't surrendered to Your purposes. Remove our shallow pursuits of this world so that we can pursue abundant life with You. For You alone are the One that can fill the deepest places of our hearts. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
Sun, Oct 24
Heavenly Father, You know all the sins that drive us to confess to You; the ones of which we are ashamed, but were not afraid to commit. And because our senses are weak in comprehending Your mysteries, grant, Lord, the things we do not ask because of the hardness of our hearts, and grant us pardon. With these words, we yield to You our hearts and minds. Spare us, O Lord, and forgive the sins we confess. Thank You, Lord, for forgiving our sins and scattering them far beyond reach. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sun, Oct 17
Glorious and gracious God, You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. The entire universe is Yours. Yet we confess we often do not believe in Your final victory over sin and death. We fail to trust in Your promise to reveal Your new heaven and earth, and to restore Your creation at the end of time. In our pride, we focus on our abilities. In our faithlessness, we focus on our struggles. In our self-centeredness, we focus on our failures. Forgive us and free us from our sin, O Lord. Remind us of what is coming from You, when You dwell with us as our God, when You wipe away all tears from our eyes, when death, pain, and suffering will be no more. Because You have made all things new to the glory of Your Name. Amen.
Sun, Oct 10
Eternal God and Redeemer, We confess that we have tried to hide from You. We have not followed Your commands. We have lived for ourselves, and apart from You. We have turned from our neighbors and refused to bear the burdens of others. We have ignored the pain of the world, and passed by the hungry, the poor, and the oppressed. In Your great mercy, forgive our sins and free us from our misguided ways, that we may choose to obey Your will for us to the glory of Your Kingdom through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.