For Dementia Caregivers Entering a New Phase of Caring & Coping

For those whose loved one is entering the next stage of dementia, this new Amazing Place offering provides higher-level strategies for 1:1 care, coping, and decision-making in support of fresh challenges. This evidence-based program is designed for 6-month+ graduates of one of our basic Savvy Caregiver classes.

Explore with us:

  • new and helpful structure, such as identifying “trigger” and “comfort” spots in the daily environment
  • adapting to and improving unfamiliar health, behavioral, and social challenges, including isolation
  • identification of challenging caregiver emotions and movement to self-advocacy
  • how to re-define the care team, ask for comfort, and accept help
  • problem-solving for future decisions

For more information and to register, contact Sharon Cantrell at 713-440-8177 or .

Registration (Currently full)