MultiCultural Ministries

MDPC's Multicultural Ministries includes the Fuente Spanish-language and BPC (Brazilian Presbyterian Church) Portuguese-language congregations.

Food Pantry | Despensa de Alimentos

Saturday, 8:00am

MDPC Food Pantry provides an important outreach opportunity to serve the surrounding community. The food pantry is located at the southwest corner of the Community Life Building (CLC), and serves approximately 400 families every* Saturday from 8:00 to 11:00am. Food resources come from the Houston Food Bank and individual donations. Donation of bagged rice and beans or other food items are always appreciated.

*The Pantry will be closed one Saturday per month in 2024 until Houston Food Bank catches up on shortages: 1/20, 2/24, 3/30, 4/27, 5/25, 6/22, 7/6, 8/3, 8/31, 9/21, 10/12, 11/23, 11/30, 12/21 & 12/28

For more information, contact Yuliana Castillo:

Sign Up to Volunteer

Sábado, 8:00am

La Despensa de Comida de MDPC provee una importante oportunidad de alcance para servir a la comunidad que vive a nuestro alrededor. La despensa de comida está localizada en la esquina sur-oeste del edificio comunitario  de la Iglesia (CLC) y sirve aproximadamente a más de 100 familias cada sábado de las 8:00 a la 11:30am. Los recursos de comida provienen del Banco de Comida de Houston y de donaciones de individuos. Donaciones individuales de arroz y frijoles en bolsas y otros artículos son siempre apreciados.

*La despensa estará cerrada un sábado por mes en 2024 hasta que Houston Food Bank se ponga al día con la escasez:  1/20, 2/24, 3/30, 4/27, 5/25, 6/22, 7/6, 8/3, 8/31, 9/21, 10/12, 11/23, 11/30, 12/21 & 12/28

Para más información, contacte Yuliana Castillo:

Registro de Voluntariado

Worship | Servicio de Adoración

Fuente Spanish-language Service

Sundays at 11:15am • Chapel / Capilla
12:15pm Fellowship / Compañerismo

Follow us on Facebook for live Sunday services and more.
Síganos en Facebook para los servicios dominicales en vivo y más.

Fuente en Facebook

BPC Portuguese-language Service

Sundays at 6:00pm • Chapel / Capela
7:15pm Fellowship / Comunhão
Pastor Almir Dias

Follow us on Facebook for live Sunday services and more.
Siga-nos no Facebook para nossos cultos dominicais ao vivo e muito mais.

BPC on Facebook

Adults | Adultos

10:00am | Sunday School
11:15am | Worship Service

6:30pm | Bible Study

10am | Women’s Gathering

7:30-11:00am | Food Pantry

9:00am | Ministerio de Intercesión
10:00am | Escuela Dominical
11:15am | Servicio de Adoración

6:30pm | Estudios Bíblicos

10:30am | Reunión de Damas

7:30-11:00am | Despensa de Alimentos 

Children & Youth | Niños y Jóvenes


9:45am | Sunday School all ages

Electronic Check-In on Sundays
The safety and security of our children is our top priority; therefore, all children birth through fifth grade are checked in electronically, which will generate two name tags, one for the child, and one for the parent. This name tag must be presented by the parent when picking up their child, where it will be matched to the child’s tag. Check-in stations are conveniently located in the Nursery, Preschool, and Elementary areas.
After check-in, elementary age children meet on the second floor of the main building. Children in first through fifth head straight into The Zone for games and fellowship; Kindergarten goes directly to Room 209. The kids are brought into The Galaxy for large group worship, and are then dismissed to their small group rooms, where they may be picked up. We encourage families to worship together for one hour and attend Sunday School at the other hour.


9:45am | Escuela Dominical para todas las edades

Inscripción Electrónica el domingo
La seguridad de nuestros niños es nuestra máxima prioridad; por lo tanto, todo niño desde bebé hasta el quinto grado tienen que inscribirlo en forma electrónica, esto generará dos etiquetas, una para el niño y otra para los padres. Esta etiqueta debe ser presentada por los padres al recoger a su hijo, donde será cotejada con la etiqueta del niño. Las estaciones de inscripción están convenientemente ubicadas en las áreas de guardería, preescolar y primaria.
Después de inscribirlos, los niños de escuela primaria se reúnen en el segundo piso del edificio principal. Los niños de primero a quinto grado deben ir a “La Zone” zona de juegos y compañerismo; los niños en kindergarten van directamente a la habitación 209. Los niños son traídos a la “Galaxia” para el culto de todos los niños y luego se retiran a sus respectivos salones donde tienen grupos pequeños, donde pueden buscar al final del servicio de adoración de adultos. Nosotros animamos a las familias a adorar juntos durante una hora y asistir a la escuela dominical en la otra hora. La Escuela Dominical para adultos es a las 10:00am y el servicio de adoración es a las 11:15am.


9:45am | Sunday School all ages
11:00am-12:15pm | Middle School Connection, CLC 261
11:00am-12:15pm | High School Connection, CLC 265


9:45am | Escuela Dominical para todas las edades


Events | Eventos

A Brief History

In 2007, MDPC planted a church in the Spring Branch area, Iglesia Fuente de Esperanza, and called Pastor Mauricio Chacón to lead the budding faith community. Pastor Chacón quickly set up worship and ministry to a group of Hispanic families that met in his own living room. After outgrowing that space, MDPC helped the new congregation lease a church building on Hammerly in Spring Branch. At that same time, Iglesia Fuente began a food pantry outreach to the local community. Volunteers from Fuente and MDPC worked side-by-side to distribute food from the Houston Food Bank to over 300 clients each month.

In 2011, Fuente moved its operations to the MDPC campus, becoming MDPC Fuente Hispanic Ministries. By situating themselves in a strategic central location, the ministry and its food pantry could jointly serve communities both north of I-10 and south of Westheimer.

In 2018, the Brazilian Presbyterian Church of Houston began meeting at MDPC as a separate church and congregation. In January 2019, we were blessed to welcome BPC into the MDPC family! Hispanic Ministries became MDPC Multi-cultural Ministries as the new congregation officially joined MDPC membership and, like Fuente before them, Pastor Almir Dantas Dias became an MDPC associate pastor.

We are thankful to God for increasingly collaborative ministry, for MDPC more fully reflecting the diversity of Houston, and for the ongoing energy poured into expanding Christ’s Kingdom to all people!